Thursday, April 18, 2019

Corruption in School Construction in Costa Rica

The Minister of Education, Edgar Mora, stated that he suspects corruption schemes related to school construction. He has found irregularities in the office that plans and maintains the construction of schools in Costa Rica.

The problems were apparent since almost a decade ago. They have been referred to as a management crisis that has become chronic. Moreover, they are aggravated by means to disguise corruption schemes.

Some of the problems include delivering materials before having a project to do at the school, using materials designated for sanitary projects to instead create a new building, and overvaluation of projects.

Mora seeks to change the model of leadership in the Directorate of Infrastructure and Educational Equipment (DIEE) in order to correct the problems. He wants to centralize who is in charge so there are not so many people (5,000) involved in making decisions about administrative contracting.

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